Studio Address

14010 N. El Mirage Rd
El Mirage, AZ 85335

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exclusively Dedicated

From this point forward this blog will be dedicated to the my photography work and travels.  Be patient with me as I stumble through the process of creating a blog and maintaining it.  Please feel free to share your thoughts and words of wisdom.  Last Sunday my Son, friend David and I spent the day roaming around streets of Superior, Miami and Globe Arizona.  I have posted one pic from the trip and here is a link to my Space Time and Structure Series on Flickr. This set is where most of my images end up and is an on going body of work.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your work and thoughts here! Welcome to the blogosphere cuz!

  2. Thanks Cheryl, I know that you have been blogging for some time now, whish I had more time to spend reading your blog, I do follow you on facebook though....
